venerdì 25 marzo 2011

Creattica likes our metal steel business cards

Creattica likes our metal steel business cards

We are honoured to be present on Creattica, one of the best photogallery for:

About Creattica

Creattica is a gallery of great design and inspirational imagery. Anyone can submit their work for consideration and voting on items is open to one and all. The best work is accepted and featured in the gallery which receives thousands of visitors every day.
To start submitting your work simply create an account and then go to the Submit Form.Submissions take up to a few days to review depending on the volume of work coming in. To vote on other people's work you'll also need an account.
We hope you enjoy the site and find the inspiration to make some brilliant work of your own. And when you do, don't forget to submit it to creattica!

 Thanks to Creattica, our website has a lot of visitors!

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